
Easy online appointment bookings and scheduling for your medical center


Clients bookings and free scheduling via a smartphone.  No limitations as to the free-of-charge access and the number of employees. Chat support is provided by our team. Handy advertising tools for increasing sales.


Dental and Aesthetics clinics


Veterinary clinics

Reservation.Studio in your clinic

If you run a business providing medical services, aesthetic dentistry, veterinary services, we have a digitial tool to help you manage your bookings, services, employees, resources, costs, revenues, consumables with a few clicks on your phone, computer or tablet, at any time. Yes, all this in one single place – in Reservation.Studio, with unlimited free-of-charge access for you. We also provide an option for client mobile application allowing your patients/clients to book appointments without any disturbance for you.

These two instruments work in perfect synergy and save you precious time, as well as mistakes in appointment, services and employee management. Our mission is to facilitate both parties and thus, increase visits and new clients for your business. The RS software is used successfully by employees and managers of medical, veterinary and aesthetic centers having one or more locations, as well as by professionals in 10 other industries in Bulgaria.

To prove that we do take your business’ success seriously, we added a wide range of priceless marketing tools for direct client contact. You can see them in detail in your account following registration.

Register now and manage your business digitally as early as tomorrow

Functions of Reservation.Studio for your Medical center

Begin to manage your bookings effectively and to send confirmations and reminders to your clients now. Avoid the usual mistakes concerning client appointments, double bookings or omitted and overlapping services. Begin to manage your business and your team at a distance. Track revenue and cost flows in real-time. Analyze your resources using correct reports. Avoid mistakes that cost time and money!

Calendar - Clients - Team

Calendar for bookings. Client dossiers. Personnel management in the studio. Services and Categories. Material resources. Working hours and blockings. Tips

Easy management of your center

Tracking expenses. Client discounts. Expanded notification settings. Sources of acquisition. Payment methods. Numerous locations of one business.

Center activity reports

Reports concerning latest reservations and by date. Latest payments. Latest visits. Tips allocated among the employees. Latest notifications

Premium features when needed

Frequently asked questions

How many businesses can I manage within my account?

You can manage all your businesses and physical sites without limitation using only one account. Each single business with its own clients, employees, services and resources. Without overlap. You can also give access to your employees via their own accounts.

How can I manage the different locations of my business?

If you run a chain under the same brand you can easily integrate and run the different locations/sites within this business.

If you own several salons/repair shops/studios, no matter their location countrywide, you manage them all from a single account. All locations of a given business may share common clients for a more flexible booking management.

How quickly can I edit a booking or a schedule?

You can quickly and easily access and manage your bookings and services at employee level (and their schedules) in one or more locations of your business. You can change at any time the schedule or client booking via your mobile device through the free-of-charge application Reservation.Studio. You can easily track the crhonology of their actions in order to gain transparency regarding the work with their clients.

What kind of reports are available to me?

You can have a detailed statistics and analysis of more than ten types of reports. Report for services provided, number of clients, revenues, costs, hours of work carried out by employees, cashiers, commissions, etc.

What is the purpose of “material resources” and how do I use them?

The material resources in your site are in the form of professional equipment, rooms, specialised chairs and tables, devices, etc. You can easily connect them to certain type of service or employees. You can insert unlimited number of resources for a given site and you can track its workload in order to avoid overlapping of 1 resource between 2 or more employees.

What options does the Reservation.Studio Calendar provide?

The Reservation.Studio allows you to use an innovative format calendar where you can put down appointments, track bookings and manage reminders in a much quicker and convenient manner. You have unlimited options to modify your bookings, even in more than one site or in various business activities.

Can I synchronise the Reservation.Studio Calendar with the Google Calendar?

You can connect and synchronise the Reservation.Studio Calendar with your personal Google Calendar. This way, as a business owner, you can plan more precisely your business according to your client schedule. If you give software access to your employees, the work schedule will be synchronised with their personal schedules. All this will optimise your business and will save you time and mistakes, such as employee-client overlap or double bookings.

and we will answer all your questions. We will show you how to use your account in Reservation.Studio in accordance with your needs and your team level. We have already helped more than 5000 businesses  – we have considerably facilitated their day-to-day work with clients, we have saved them time, reduced stress levels for their team and aided their marketing activity.

Manage your business digitally in a manner which is convenient for you

The quick and easy Reservation.Studio in action