
The most convenient way for your clients to book their appointment or reserve a spot for your services.

More than 70% of users prefer to book online. Offer them convenience with our functional online booking software.

Be available to those seeking your services nearby. Your visibility in location-based or service-based searches is the first step towards attracting new clients. With Reservation.Studio, clients can search by services, city, or in proximity to their location. Be there if they are looking for you.

Online appointments available anytime

Don’t miss a single client due to inability to respond. Reservation.Studio works 24/7 for you and your clients.

Direct bookings on your website

Take advantage of our module and display your online booking form on your website.

Easily integrate our scheduling app into your existing website with powerful customizations tailored to meet your business needs.

Allow your clients to book appointments directly on your website using our integrated online booking tool.

Convert brand search traffic into into more inquiries via Online booking PRO

Take advantage of the PRO version of our ‘Online Booking’ module with your own domain/address, integrate your logo and brand colors into our booking widget, and create your online presence with appointment booking capabilities.

You can easily offer your customers the option to book appointments online, and we will brand it according to your business.

Online payments for appointments, purchases, membership/subscriptions renewals, or product purchases

Activate online payments via Stripe in your Reservation.Studio profile. The integration is easy and quick, providing secure payments for your clients, which reduces no-shows and improves financial management.

It also enables installment payments for your clients.

Meta (Facebook) Pixel
Add your tracking code to reservations, allowing you to measure, optimize, and retarget audiences for your advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram.
Adwords + UTM Tracking
You have the ability to track conversions from your advertising campaigns in Google Ads.
Booking with Google
You can activate the 'Book' button on your local Google profile for local services, using a unified booking link.

Explore more features:

Forms, Informed Consents
client management
Customer Management
inventory management
Stock / Inventory
Marketing & Advertising
Subscriptions and Packages
Group activities
online payments
Online payments
Notifications / Reminders
Reports & Analysis

Reservation.Studio is ready for you
Are you ready to get started?